The center for free radical and biomedical research (CEINBIO) has its central unit at the Department of Biochemistry at Medical School, Universidad de la República, and it is conformed by different teams of investigation from the academic environment wich are dedicated to basic research activities and clinical and pharmacological applications.

Our main area of work is centered on production, biological effects, pathogenicity and pharmacology of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, related to cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, inflammatory and infectious pathologies.



Dr. Rafael Radi. Biochemistry and pharmacology of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite


Principal Investigators:


Dr. Homero Rubbo. Redox biology of lipids

Dr. José Souza. Biochemical basis of neurodegeneration.

Dra. Laura Castro y Dra Adriana Cassina. Mitochondrial oxidative metabolism

Dra. Madia Trujillo. Redox biology of thiols.

Dr. Gonzalo Peluffo. Metabolism of L-arginine and biomarkers of oxidative damage.





Laboratories and Associated Institutions


Central Unit:


Department of Biochemistry, School of Medicine


Associated Units:

Department of basic Medicine, School of Medicine

Department of Histology and Embriology, School of Medicine

Department of Physiology, School of Medicine

Department of Biophysics, School of Medicine

Clinical Departments of the School of Medicine (Cardiology, Medical Clinic C, Emergency)

Laboratory of Biological Physicochemistry, Institute of Biological Chemistry, School of Sciences.

Laboratory of Enzymology, Institute of Biological Chemistry, School of Sciences.

Department of Organic Chemistry, School of Chemistry.

Division of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology, Institute of Biological Investigations “Clemente Estable”.

Institut Pasteur Montevideo

Department of Biochemistry, School of Agronomy.





To integrate and consolidate an interdisciplinary and multi-institutional group of work able to achieve significant contributions in biomedical investigation, focused on the production, the biological effects, pathogenesis and pharmacology of free radicals and oxygen and nitrogen reactive species.

To consolidate and develop and area with equipment and advanced technology in order to carry out biomedical investigation.


To stimulate the integration between basic and clinical research.


To integrate human resources in formation in postgraduate programs of Basic science (PEDECIBA) and biomedical investigation (PROINBIO).


To keep an incorporate high level investigators looking for insertion in our academic environment.


To facilitate the obtaining of extra-budget funds for the development of academia activities.


To provide a core of laboratories and researchers to give qualified assessment to public and private organisms.





The see of the Center for Free Radical and Biomedical Research is located in the School of Medicine of the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay.

At the moment a physical area of 250 m2 is being build in the School of Medicine, close to the laboratories that are already in existence in this school.

The Center own equipment that allows studies of electronic paramagnetic resonance (the only technique that allows direct detection of free radicals), mass spectrometry, HPLC, spectroscopy, fluorescence microscopy, quimioluminescence studies and cellular culture.


Links of Interest:


Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Free Radical Research

Financed Projects


Name: Human Serum Albumin: an intravascular dosimeter of inflammatory oxidants

Financing: Consortium Agreement with The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Period: 2003 - 2006

Responsible: Dr. Rafael Radi y Dra. Beatriz Álvarez



Name: Apoptosis en Trypanosoma cruzi: mecanismos moleculares y significado biológico

Financing: Fondo Clemente Estable, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Uruguay

Period: 2005 - 2007

Responsible: Dra. Florencia Irigoín



Name: Nitric Oxide Mediated Oxidation and Nitration

Financing: NIH-Consortium Agreement with MedicalCollege of Wisconsin

Period: 2004 - 2007

Responsible: Dr. Rafael Radi



Name: L-Arginine/Redox Metabolism in T. cruzi-Mammalian Host Cell Interactions

Financing:Howard Hughes Medical Institute, USA

Period: 2005 – 2010

Responsible: Dr. Rafael Radi


Name: MnPorphyrins in the Protection Against Peroxynitrite-Mediated Injury.

Financing:CRP-ICGEB, Italy

Period: 2006 - 2009

Responsible: Dr. Rafael Radi


Name: Propiedades anti-inflamatorias de derivados nitrados del ácido araquidónico

Financing: Fondo Clemente Estable

Period: 3/2006 – 9/2007

Responsible: Andrés Trostchansky


Name: Diseño, síntesis y evaluación de tocoferol-miméticos liberadores de oxido nitrico

Financing: Proyecto PDT

Period:2006 - 2008

Responsible: Homero Rubbo


Name: Anti-inflammatory properties of cholesteryl-nitrolinoleate

Financing: FOGARTY con Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Pittsburgh (USA)

Period:2006 - 2008

Responsible: Homero Rubbo



Name: Formación de oxidantes mitocondriales  y consumo de óxido nítrico en células endoteliales vasculares sometidas a hiperglicemia

Financing: Fondo Clemente Estable

Period: 3/2006 - 3/2008

Responsible: Celia Quijano


Name: “Formación de Aductos Lipo-proteicos entre la a-Sinucleína y Fosfolípidos de membrana: Rol potencial en la Neurodegeneración”
Financing: Fondo Clemente Estable
Period: 10/2005 – 10/ 2006

Responsible: José M. Souza

Links of Interest:

Society of Free Radical Biology and Medicine



